Read this article to find out how to choose and use background colors and images.
The Background FAQ
Answers questions about creating colored backgrounds, making them "fade," and placing side-bars down the left side of the page. If you need more instruction, the FAQ includes outside links.
Yahoo!'s Backgrounds Page
With more than 70 links to sites listed, from Christian motifs to Dr. Suess wallpaper, you're sure to find what you're looking for.
Julianne's Background Textures
Over 500 bumpy, bright, and (sometimes) blinding textures in eight different hues.
Netscape's Background Sampler
With this page, you can simultaneously learn a simple pattern/tiling lesson and sample sophisticated backgrounds.
Rose's Backgrounds
Check out an alphabetical list of more than 500 fabulous backgrounds.
Webmaster Territory
This is a high-style site with sophisticated, unusual backgrounds.