WYSIWYG Editor Shoot-out
Before you buy or download an HTML editor, read Wired's review of the most popular "What You See Is What You Get" software.
Web Authoring Software
Get the best Web authoring software at the best prices: Order everything you need online from the secure EarthLink Software Super Store.
HTML Editors
A good HTML editor will help you create and edit HTML documents for the Web. You can use any basic text editor, but other HTML editors have more features. This download page has dozens of free and almost-free ones to chose from.
Adobe Photoshop
Check out our choice selection of Photoshop links. They include tutorials, tips, tricks, places to buy, and more.
Paint Shop Pro
Photoshop is considered the industry standard, but for those with less money to spend, Paint Shop is considered a good bet.
This is the HTML editor that most Mac users prefer. Their low prices and commitment to making "software that doesn't suck" has won them industry kudos as well. Find out more or order the software online.
Read about or order the Web site editor that counts many PC users as fans.
GIF Wizard A handy tool that will make your GIFs file size smaller.
File Compression
If you need a program to decompress files downloaded from the Internet, have a look at this list of programs. Popular programs include WinZip or PKUNZIP for Windows. Mac users should be sure to have StuffIt Expander.